
I will translate any text from English to French or French to English.

I am a native English speaker and have great skills in translating from English to French and vice versa. I speak French fluently in most of my everyday life.

I will not just translate words for words but will do it perfectly and manually to make the text look like genuine original language, elaborate/technical vocabulary and rephrasing if necessary, without losing original content or meaning though.

Max 500 words/Twip, if you need more, consider ordering my extras.

Feel free to contact me for any questions.

Guaranteed satisfaction or you'll be refunded.

Thank you!
* * * * *** EXPRESS Twip *** * * * * *

Please read carefully.

For anything outside the scope of this Twip CONTACT me first BEFORE you order.  If you don't see it here ASK FIRST.

I will translate your article into French Spanish German or Russian up to 500 words for 1000 ₽.00.

This is for standard translation.

No frills. No bells. No whistles.

Please submit your article in a plaintext text file with no formatting.

It will be usually delivered within 12-15 hours when possible.

DO NOT hesitate to ask me any questions at all you may have about this or
any Twip BEFORE ordering. If you have ANY questions or doubts about anything ASK!

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