Hey my name is Sammi. I use up my time to finish my work because I spent a lot of time on minor fixes. I can not forgive even an extra space. When I am away from my work, my brain is still very active in seeking a better phrase or a more proper word to polish the sentence or paragraph up. So mostly I will deliver the work in the second or the third day. If you are in an urgency, please let me know so I will put your order as my priority. Thank you :)


English to simplified Chinese
English to traditional Chinese
English to Cantonese(simplified/traditional)
[since Cantonese is an oral dialect, we still can WRITE it in either format of Chinese]

Precise and Native Translation


  • attach the file (doc, pdf, xls, txt, etc.) or texts in the message box.
  • also please provide whom these texts will be published to if any so translation will be in a correct tone.
  • academic/overly technical translations are not in service temporarily. 
  • will probably reject objectionable content.

PS: Please specify the language: Eng- Chn_S OR Eng-Chn_T when leaving me orders so I can work on it immediately without questioning.

Thank you :) again!

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