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Welcome to my Twip!

My name is Raluca. I'm a native Romanian speaker who has been learning English since I was 3 years old. I also hold a Cambridge CAE certificate and I would like to offer my translation services for Romanian to English or English to Romanian.

I can translate up to 1000 words/Twip for only 1000 ₽, in less than 24 hours.  

Why should you choose me?

  • Your translations will be proofread before being sent.
  • You will be given unlimited revisions, until you are fully satisfied.
  • Your document will always be sent before the deadline.
  • All my work is done manually.
  • I am professional, ambitious, reliable, fast and communicative

P.S.: I accept any type of document (Word, PPT, Excel, PDF, XML, HTML, strings, SEO keywords, PHP). I can translate marketing, technical, legal documents, poems, books, any article you provide (in any niche)

For non-text documents(images and scans), the price will depend on the complexity of the document so please contact me first.

I also translate from Romanian to French or viceversa
I also professionally translate English to French or viceversa

I look forward to working with you!