
Перепишу ваш текст на русском. Быстрая скорость набора, до 15000 символов.

Перепишу ваш текст 15000 символов со скана, фото, книги. Могу с рукописи, если внятно и чётко различимо. Обращайтесь и получите текст без ошибок в короткий срок. Буду рад любому сотрудничеству - предлагайте свои варианты.

Нужно для заказа:

От вас требуется предоставить русский текст который нужно переписать, должен быть чёткий и внятный.

Объем услуги: 15 000 знаков
Если объем нужно больше - заказывайте еще - предлагайте варианты.
  • Native Estonian speaker
  • Fast and reliable 
  • Many years of experience working and studying in an English speaking community
  • Degree in applied sciences

I am a native Estonian speaker, but I've lived and worked in the UK for the past 10 years. I've also been educated in both countries. I have a science degree (BSc) from a university in the UK and a diploma in Hospitality Management from a vocational school in Estonia. Over the past couple of years I've translated everything from blog posts to scientific articles.

My education in science has given me a basic understanding of several complex disciplines, such as genetics, human anatomy and molecular biology). This has been a great help to me when translating medical literature. However, most of my working life I've been involved in the hospitality industry, which has given me extensive experience of working with international clients and helped to develop my interpretation skills.