
Hi there! I am bilingual in both English and German. I hold a master's degree in Translation and Interpretation in the USA. I work as a freelance professional Technical Editor and Language Consultant German in the USA. I offer a professional translation. you need any content translated? your translation will be done with the best of my ability, which is among the best quality service available and in the shortest delay possible. 

My promise: All translations are done manually, proofread and delivered as fast as possible. I do not use Google / Bing Translator, or any other translation services.

Not satisfied? No charge! No questions asked.

I can translate:

  • Product reviews,
  • Product listings,
  • Manuals,
  • Instructions,
  • App descriptions,
  • Recipes,
  • Handbooks,
  • Letters, Emails,
  • Scripts,
  • Ebooks,
  • Anything else, send me a message. I'll respond within 12 hours!

  If you look for quality over quantity, then you find the right one. 

Basic Twip: 600 words for 1000 ₽.   place your order



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