I offer translations from English to Russian and Lithuanian languages or vice versa. Have experience in translating texts of various styles, e.g. medical, economical, texts for websites and apps, etc. I can translate up to 400 words per Twip. If you need more, just write your word count in the appropriate package box or contact me directly.

I can also work on your text's style to make it look more natural in translated language (check the extras tab; 3000 ₽ for 1500 words. If you have longer texts, please write me a personal message). Please note, that additional services may increase order delivery time. Thank you!

P.S. Usually it takes less than 4 days for the texts up to 2000 words. 4 days term is for longer texts or unforeseen circumstances. Also, if you need your text to be translated within a certain duration of time, please write me a personal message with the details of your order.
Hi, my name is Luis Jiménez

Native Spanish speaker from Costa Rica 

Please send me an inbox message before ordering so we are both clear on the exact pricing of your translation

What you get:

-A proffesional translation from a native spanish speaker with 13 years of English experience

-A translated text free of translation apps or Google translate

-Double proofreading

-Best prices 

You can check my recent performance  in the "buyer reviews" section