Buongiorno! I'm happy to translate for you 500 words from English and/or from French to Italian within 24h .

- I can fix grammar, puntuation, vocabulary, correction of sentence structure and reduce redundancy of any italian text.

- 24-hour turnaround guaranteed per 500 words or up to 1000

- I can make voice recorders of the translation when requested

Inbox me for:
a) lager texts (over 1000 words) or check the package.
b) Technical,legal etc text, I need to double check the content to be sure of feasability/time/price
c) extra fast delivery .Generally faster delivery-> half time of the package choosen, double price- double order

Please feel free to contact me for any question/doubts/requests or personalised offers, I 'll be happy to help you

Arrivederci,A bientot ,See u soon!

I can offer expert translations of business-related documents, such as annual reports, marketing texts, brochures, communications, newsletters, web content or presentation materials. 

I am a very diligent translator and transcriber. I can work full time including weekends and even holidays With each project I undertake, I guarantee high-quality work delivered on or before the deadline. I proofread all my translations or transcriptions, cross-referencing terminology sources using an extensive library of dictionaries and technical sources. I am also a member of a translation group which draws on a vast pool of translators to help me find the most obscure terms.

If you think you could benefit from my services, I would be delighted to hear from you.