Orders finished to date:146

The 24 hour service is only for documents up to 400 words!

I'm a native Korean who is bilingual in both Korean and English. I have lived half of my life in the states. so I can provide you professional and reliable translations. I can normally finish your translations within a few hours, 3 day time is my MAXIMUM time.

About the Twip
  • Each Twip is for 400 Words
  • All of your documents and personal information is kept confidential!
  • The 2,3 day delivery is only for projects under 2000 words. If you have more than 2000, message me!

What will you get?
  • A perfectly transcribed document in Korean
  • Fast delivery (within 3 days)
  • Native translations.
Any questions are open for discussion! Please contact me for further details and explanations
Please give me a document which has WORD COUNT! I cannot count every word manually.

I only translate 200 individual WORDS, as it takes a lot more time

***I sometimes give out freebies. Because why not XD. If you hire me, I might ask you for your address to give you....say a USSR medal, some signed baseball cards, stock certificates from the 60s, steam games and many many more! Don't be afraid to message me!***

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